Fifth Element

SLOT DNA contains the values we gathered together, that constitute the essence of our SLOT identity. #5Element is the Person, without whom we simply wouldn’t be here. He is the Foundation, He inspires all our actions and is present in them. During the Festival you will find volunteers from the Slottish team willing to talk sincerely about life, values, faith, progress and actual life with God. If you don’t manage to meet anyone like this spontaneously at the Festival, just visit the corridor next to the Meta-noia cafe or the Sphere.

Eye to eye
Space designed for calming down, contemplating, honest conversation and prayer.

24/7 You don’t have it, because you don’t ask
We would like to encourage everybody to participate in a common prayer during the festival. Do you wish SLOT was even better and safer, life-changing or do you already have something to thank for? Regardless of whether you are an organizer, a volunteer or a participant – you are invited! The prayer goes on 24/7 and is split into 30-minute shifts. There’s a list next to the room where you can sign in, so we can fill the entire day and night.

Spiritual 101 – how to start to fly and land?
A1 / WEDNESDAY–SATURDAY / 11–14 JULY / 18:00
Lecture and discussion. What is a real relationship with God? What is healthy Christianity?
What is most important? Everyone who begins their path with God and wants to be sure their growth will be healthy and without unnecessary problems is invited.

Rafał Piekarski & Paweł Kasprzyk – involved in making SLOT for many years, currently responsible for the #5Element.

Oko w Oko

To miejsce jest wyjątkowe… Możesz się tutaj zatrzymać, zamyślić, a nawet porozmawiać z Tym, który jest naszym Natchnieniem, Źródłem i Celem.


Miejsce na duchowy odpoczynek i inspirację. Jesteśmy grupą ludzi, którzy mają dla Was uśmiech, słowa zachęty, wsparcia i odnowy.


Miejsce na duchowy odpoczynek i inspirację. Jesteśmy grupą ludzi, którzy mają dla Was uśmiech, słowa zachęty, wsparcia i odnowy.

Performance I AM

Performance I AM  to rewolucyjne przedstawienie z muzyką i efektami wizualnymi oparte o historię dwóch młodych ludzi i ich pytań odnośnie sensu życia, sprawiedliwości, świata.
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